S1812 Increasing Physical Activity in Colorectal Cancer Patients: A Factorial Trial

Recent observational studies suggest a strong protective effect of regular moderate-to-vigorous physical activity on survival following a colorectal cancer diagnosis. However, currently the large majority of CRC survivors do not meet recommended levels of physical activity. The purpose of S1812 is to identify the most efficacious combination of scalable physical activity intervention strategies to increase physical activity in CRC survivors.

Eligible participants (n=200) will have had a diagnosis of Stage I-III CRC, no evidence of metastatic disease and currently engage in <100 min/week of moderate to vigorous physical activity.

During the 12 month intervention, study participants will receive different combinations of physical activity supports with the goal of increasing their physical activity. Supports will include a Fitbit, a personal health coach, text messages, and a gym membership. Clinic staff will recruit and complete repeat clinical assessments of participants. The interventions will be delivered centrally by research staff at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and the University of Arizona Cancer Center.

Current plans are for clinic staff to be responsible for baseline height, weight, blood pressure, heart rate, blood draw and completion of questionnaires, as well as a physical function assessment. These measures will be repeated at 6 and 12 months. The estimated clinic staff time for each visit is 50 minutes, including completion of all questionnaires. All participant intervention materials will be mailed directly from the coordinating center at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

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